I Walk the Path

Abstract poem banner

I walk the path
It appears before me:
My fear
Embodied. Real
I’m scared
But this one is different
It’s really angry with me
It’s really frustrated
It growls
Why are you scared?
Can’t you see?
I’m trying to awaken something within you!

We fight
We tussle
I’m bruised, bleeding, exhausted
Scared and hopeless
In despair I look it in the eye
It smiles
Then I notice the smile has changed
What’s behind it has changed
I stop the struggle
It snuffles my tummy
Like play fighting with my father
Do you get the message? It asks
I do
We rough and tumble some more
I give it a hug
It hugs back
I walk on
It smiles at me, turns and sits
Something shadowy tries to follow me
My fear growls at it, bares its teeth
My protector and friend

From the forthcoming book 'A Handful of Seeds'

Please note: The poems, stories and other original works on this site are the copyright of Neil Scotton. They are here to be used and useful. Please feel free to make your own use of them and share them in line with the Fair Use Policy.

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