Playground Lessons

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Our children at the time were about 4 and 6. The elder one was pushing the younger one in the swing. It was a joy to watch as the younger squealed with delight, egging his sister to push him harder and higher.

As I smiled, I also began to realise my daughter was learning about how things move, coordination, when to put the effort in and how not to get hurt by the returning swing. She was also learning about the joy of giving. And about taking responsibility, such as when to limit things (not push too hard) so that everyone stays safe, even if they are asking for more.

And in that moment it struck – ‘You cannot play and not learn’.

Please note: The poems, stories and other original works on this site are the copyright of Neil Scotton. They are here to be used and useful. Please feel free to make your own use of them and share them in line with the Fair Use Policy.

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